For nearly five decades, Pharos has offered lectures on all aspects of Greek culture, ranging from ancient history, literature and archaeology to modern traditions including dance and music.
Scroll down for a history of Pharos events over the past five decades.
Past Lectures and Events
Sept. 1980 “A 17th Century Traveller in Greece” Prof. Pierre McKay, University of Washington, Seattle
Nov 24, 1980 “Old Athens & Hydra: Two Conservation Areas Revisited” Prof. J. Gaitanakis, Archit. UBC
Jan. 28, 1981 “The Handmaiden of History” Prof. Malcom McGregor, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Mar. 23, 1981 “Greek Poet Angelos Sikelianos: Life & Works” Prof. Theophanis Stavrou, U. of Minnesota
Sept.29, 1981 “Architecture: Medium of Public Relations - Alexander the Great” Dr. Homer Thompson
Oct. 29, 1981 “Democracy & Glory that was Greece” Prof. Malcom McGregor, Dept. Classica, UBC
Nov. 23, 1981 “Tourism in Mykonos: Blessing or Blight” Prof. Margaret Stott, Dept. Anthropology, UBC
Jan. 25, 1982 “The Treasures of Vergina” Prof. James Russel, Archaeologist, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Feb. 25, 1982 “The Myth of Alexander” Prof. Elizabeth Bongie, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Mar. 22, 1982 “Naukratis: A Greek City in Egypt” Prof. Richard Sullivan, Dept. of History, SFU
Oct. 5, 1982 “On Track of the Ancient Bear” Prof. Harry Edinger, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Nov. 1, 1982 “Antiquity Ingenuity: Greek Scientific Devices” Prof. Len Berggren Mathematics Dept. SFU
Nov. 29, 1982 “Ancient Greek Philosophers Look at the Universe” Prof. Shirley Sullivan Dept. Classics UBC
Jan. 31, 1983 “Byzantine Music: Traditions of Singing in the Easter Church” Prof. Dimitri Conomos, UBC
Feb. 28, 1083 “Gestures in Ancient Greek Vase Painting” Prof. Timothy McNiven, Classics Dept. UBC
Mar. 28, 1983 “Rehabilitation of Athenian City Streets” Prof. John Gaitanakis, School of Architecture, UBC
Oct. 17, 1983 “Reflections on Greek Socialism” Prof. Philp Resnick, Dept. of Political Science, UBC
Nov. 28, 1983 “Saving the Acropolis” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Jan. 30, 1984 “Folk Tradition and Change - Epirus” Prof. Susan Auerbach, Ethnmusiclogist U. of Washington
Feb. 20, 1984 “Greek Philosophers in Art & Music” Prof. Robert Todd, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Mar. 19, 2984 “Markriyannis & Sprit of the Greek Revolution” Prof. Tassos Kazepides, Faculty of Ed. SFU
Apr. 30, 1984 “The Art of the Byzantine World” Prof. Mme Doris Tougas, School of Music, SFU
Oct. 29, 1984 “The Music of Mikis Theodorakis” Prof. Dimitri Conomos, School of Music, UBC
Nov. 26, 1984 “Pericles & Athena” Prof. Malcom F. McGregorn Prof. of Classics Emeritas, UBC
Jan. 28, 1985 “Mt. Athos, a Medieval Comm. in our Midst” Prof. J. Gaitanakis, School of Architecture, UBC
Feb. 25, 1985 “Lesvos: Archaeology of an Island” Dr. Caroline, Archaeologist UBC, Excavations at Mytilene
Apr. 1, 1985 “Athens in the Time of Byron” Prof. C.W. Eliot, Dept. Classics, Mt Allison, New Brunswick
Apr. 22, 1985 “Archontika: Mansions of Pillion & Northern Greece” Prof. Ron Walkey, UBC
Oct. 28, 1985 “J.J. Bachofen: A Swiss Traveler in Greece, 1851” Prof. Harry Edinger, Dept. Classics, UBC
Nov. 25, 1985 “Greece and the Sea” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Jan. 27, 1985 “Politics and Tragedy” Prof. Anthony J. Podlecki, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Mar. 03, 1985 “Folk Dances of Greece” with Fred Schulhof, & Philhellenic Dancers of Vancouver
Mar. 03, 1985, After, Pharos welcomes all to Dance-Demos. at Ken Capadouca’s Aretousa Restaurant
Mar. 31, 1985 “The Empire of Justinian & Theodora” Prof. J.A.S. Evans, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Apr. 28, 1982 “The Beginning of Greek Science” Prof. Lennart Berggren, Dept. of Mathematics, SFU
Oct. 27, 1986 “France & Recovery of the Ancient Greek Novel” Prof. G. Sandy, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Nov. 24, 1986 “Pelion: The Centaur’s Mountain” Prof’s. P. Resnick & R. Walkey, School of Architect. UBC
Jan. 26 1987 “Socrates” Prof. Shirley D. Sullivan, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Feb. 23, 1987 “Calling Up the Old Gods” Prof. Stephen A. Black, Dept. of English, SFU
Mar. 23, 1987 “The Exile Calauria” Prof. Phillip Harding, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Apr. 27, 1987 “Heinrich Schliemann: The Road to Troy” Dieter Stenschke
Nov. 09, 1987 “Did Homer Have a Map?” Prof. Amin Wolf, Max Planck Inst. Frankfurt, Germany
Nov. 30, 1987 “The Trojan Women” by Euripides, a film by Michael Cacoyiannis
Jan. 25, 1988 “The Forest of Cyprus” Prof. Jack Thirgood, faculty of Forestry, UBC
Feb. 29, 1988 “New Discoveries on Ancient Lesvos” Dr. Caroline Williams, Archaeologist, UBC
Mar. 28, 1998 “Enemies & Allies, Greco-Turkish Relations since 1974” Prof. D. Constas, Panteios, Athen
Apr. 25, 1998 “Monasticism: 2000 Year Journey from Egypt to Athos” Prof. D. Stewart, Univ. of Calgary
Oct. 24, 1988 “Women of Mykonos, Changing Roles in the Community” Prof. M. Stott, Anthropologist
Nov. 24, 1988 “Archaeology & Christianity in the Holy Land” Dr. Vasilios Tzaferis Dept. Antiques, Israel
Jan. 30, 1989 “The Enigma of Themistocles” Prof. Anthony J. Podlecki, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Feb. 27, 1989 “19th Century Olympic Games: Forerunners to the 1896 Olympics” Dr. B. Schrodt, UBC
Mar. 01, 1989 “The Villages and People of Cyprus” Prof. Jack Thirgood, Faculty of Forestry, UBC
Oct. 30, 1989 “St. Catherines Monestery on Mount Sinai” Prof. Eliz. Bongie, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Nov. 27, 1989 “Ancient Greek Theater” Dorothy Jones, Theatre Program Coordinator, Douglas College
Jan. 29, 1990 “New Light on Old Lesvos” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics UBC
Feb. 26, 1990 “Learning Ancient Greek in Renaissance France” Dr. Gerald Sandy, Dept. Classics UBC
Mar. 14, 1990 “Archaic Maidens of Athenian Acropolis” Prof. Brunilde S. Ridgway, Bryn Pennsylvania
Apr. 30, 1990 “The Athenian Agora” Prof. Andrew Sherwood, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Oct. 29, 1990 “Current Restoration Activities on the Acropolis” Prof. John Gaitanakis, Architecture, UBC
Nov. 26, 1990 “Cities & Sanctuaries of Classical Arcadia” Prof. Hector Williams, Stymphalos Project, UBC
Feb. 25, 1991 “Classical Sparta” Prof. Robin Barrows, Associate Dean, Dept. of Education, UBC
Mar. 25, 1991 “Santorini – A Bird’s Eye View” Mrs. Karin Story B.Ed., M.A., Art Historian
Apr. 29, 1991 “Philip 11 of Macedonia” Prof. Phillip Harding, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Oct. 22, 1991 “Gateway: Entrances to Athenian Acropolis” Dr. Harrison Eiteljorg 11, Bry Mawr, Penn.
Nov. 25, 1991 “From Rizitika to Rembetica Travels in Search of Greek Songs & Dance” Prof. Ric Spratley
Jan. 27, 1992 “Picasso to the Minotaur” Marc Pessin, Archives, UBC
Feb. 24, 1992 “The Weaker Sex: The Women, Behind the Men” Dr. Elisabeth Bongie, Dept. of Classics
Mar. 30, 1992 “Greco-Roman Art in Copenhagen” Dr. Mettte Moltesen, Curator Ancient Art, Carlsberg
May 04, 1992 “The Wild Life of Modern Greece” Stamatis Zogaris, Natualist
Oct. 26, 1992 “Plato’s View of Love” Prof. Shirley Sullivan, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Nov. 02, 1992 “Greek Fisher Folk on the Fraser” Peter Capadouca, M.Ed., Western Washington Univ.
Nov. 30, 1992 “Childe Harold and Other Tourists: Travellers to Epiros, Then and Now” Dr. Ric. Spratley
Jan. 25, 1993 “Athens through the Ages” Dr. John Gaitenaki, Architecture, UBC
Jan. 31, 1993 (Sunday) “Macedonia: Introduction: Land and People” Prof. Eugene Boza, Pen. State U.
Feb. 22, 1993 “Nemea Excavations” Prof. Steve G. Miller, University of California, Berkeley
Mar. 28, 1993 “Thesmophoria – A Women’s Festival” Prof. Harry Edinger, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Apr. 26, !993 “Democracy Ancient & Modern” Prof. Philip Resnick, Political Science, UBC
May 29, 1993 “History and Customs of Greece” Rev. Demetrios Partsafas, St. George Orth. Church
Oct. 25, 1993 “New Light on Greek Sculpture” Prof. Andrew Stuart, University of California
Nov. 29, 1993 “Exhibition of paintings of Greek Landscape” Anthony Blicq, Artist
Nov. 29, 1993 “The Sarakasani of Greece” Alfred J. Schulhof, Prof. Engineer, Van. Philhellenic Dancers
Jan. 31, 1994 “Astronomy: Why Greeks did not have a Big Bang” Prof. Richard Todd, Classics Dept. UBC
Feb. 28, 1994 “The Metamorphosis of the Barbarian” Prof. Peter Green Classics Dept. U. of Texas
Mar. 31, 1994 “The Parthenon Reconstruction Project” Dr. Manolis Korres, Greek Ministry of Culture
May 28, 1994 “Benaki Museum in Athens” Dr. Angelos Delvorrias, Director of the Benaki Museum,
Apr. 25, 1994 “Recent Macedonian Excavations” Prof. Pandermelis, University of Thessaloniki
Nov. 2, 1994 “Early Greeks on the Fraser River” Peter Capadouca M.Ed. Western Washington University
Nov. 28, 1994 “Road to Rembetica: Music of a Greek Sub-Culture” Prof. Gail Holst -Warhaft, Cornel U.
Jan. 30, 1995 “Cleopatra’s Navy” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Feb. 19, 1995 “The Nature of Greece” Stamatis Zogaris, Bachlor of Science, from SFU
Feb. 27 1995 “Greek Scholars in Fifteenth Century Italy” Prof. Robert B. Todd, Classics Dept. UBC
Mar. 27, 1995 “Byzantine Iconography” Eva Zogaris, BA, MA, UBC – Artist, Iconographer
Apr. 24, 1995 “Dance Odyssey, Through Greece” by Philhellenic Folk dancers, Director, Fred Schulhof
Oct. 23, 1995 “Excavations at Bronze Age Mycenae” Dr. Elizabeth French, British School at Athens
Nov. 27, 1995 “Hellenistic Queens, In Love” Dr. Gwyneth Lewis, Lecturer, Langara College
Jan. 29, 1996 “Multicultural Relations in Hellenistic Egypt” Dr. Carl Johnson, Religious Studies, UBC
Mar. 25, 1996 “Pass at Thermopolae & Events of 1821” Prof. Pierre McKay, University of Washington
Apr. 29, 1996 “Carnival Traditions in Pondiseno” Yvone Hunt, Ethnographer and Dance Teacher
Oct. 28, 1996 “Dionysios Solomos (1798-1857): Greece’s National Poet” Elias Stavrides, Editor
Nov. 26, 1996 “Classical Greek Buildings & Sculptures” Prof. Brunilde Ridgway, Bryn Mawr College
Jan. 28, 1997 “Raging Against: Death, Destiny & Demigods” Prof. Robert Cousland, UBC
Feb. 24, 1997 “Shadows of War: Espionage & Counter Espionage in Greece” Dr. Andre Geoylmatos, SFU
Mar. 31, 1997 “Volcanic Destruction of Thera, Modern & Ancient” Prof. K. Russel, Earth & Ocean Science
Apr. 7, 1997 “Modern Greek Diaspora in Historical Context” Prof. Richard Clogg, St Anthony’s College
Apr.17, 1997 “Hellenism & the Rise of Islam” Dr. Avril Cameron, Oxford University
Oct. 27, 1997 “Albania & Cyprus: Challenges: Academia & Journalism” Dr. Gerolymatos & Ian Mulgrew
Nov. 24, 1997 “The Holy Land: Madaba Map Revisited” Prof. J. Russell, Near East & Religious Studies
Jan 26, 1998 “The History of Kyparissi: Changes in a Greek Village” Peter Pronzos, Langara College
Feb. 23, 1998 “Rembetika” George YIoldassis, John Mavrogeorge, Thomas Makris & Rick Zygouras
Mar. 16, 1998 “Women in Greek History & Myth” Prof. Angeliki Laiou, Harvard University
Apr. 27, 1998 “Women Healers in Classical Greece” Dr. Gwyneth Lewis, Langara College
Oct. 26, 1998 “History of Jews in Greece” Yizchtek Kerem, Historian, Aristotle University, Salonica
Nov. 30, 1998 “Greek Monasteries of Mount Athos” Urs Boxler, Photographer
Jan. 25, 1999 “Last Emperor: Palaiologoi of Byzantium” Prof. Hector Williams, Classica Dept. UBC
Feb. 28, 1999 “Wagner and Greek Myths’ prof. Heinz Hoffman, University of Tubingen
Apr. 06, 1999 “The Ancient Greek House” Dr. Barbara Tsakirgis, Dep. of Classics, Vanderbilt University
Apr. 26, 1999 “Greeks-Hellenes: A Clash of Identities” Maria Papaioannou MA, U. of Thessaloniki
Oct. 25, 1999 “Narcissus: Myth and Magic” Doctoral Fellowship, Max Nelson, UBC
Nov. 29, 1999 “Murder & Mayhem in Discovered Ancient Greek Novels” Prof. Gerald Sandy UBC
Jan. 31, 2000 “Icon as Scripture” Archbishop Lazar Puhalo, Orthodox Monastery of All Saints
Feb. 28, 2000 “Wagner and Greek Myths” Prof. Heinz Hoffman, University of Tubingen
Mar. 27, 2000 “New Epigraphic Discoveries in the Athenian Agora” Prof. Phillip Harding, UBC
Apr. 30, 2000 “The Heritage of Orpheus: Aspects of Greek Music” Kostas Yiannourakos, Composer
Oct. 25, 2000 “George Seferis: Poet of the Ages” Elias Stavrides, University of Athens
Nov. 20, 2000 “Parthenon Marbles: Ownership & Trusteeship” Will. St. Clair, Museum of Anthropology
Dec. 11, 2000 “Palaina Sepheria-Traditional Folk Music” presented by HCCongress at Stanley Theatre
Jan. 29, 2001 “Ptolemy the Geographer” Prof. Len Berggren, Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Feb. 26, 2001 “Animals in Greek Life and Art” Caroline, Hector Williams & Harry Edinger, UBC
Mar. 25, 2001 “Demosthenes the Advocate” David Mirhady, PhD from Rutgers, teaches at SFU
Apr. 2, 2001 “Sport & Society in Ancient Sparta” Prof. Stephen Hodkinson, University of Manchester
April 30, 2001 “The Streets of Athens & Cairo” Prof. Ron Walkey, Architecture, UBC
Sept. 24, 2001 “Homeric Cyprus” Prof. Vassos Karageorghis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Oct. 23, 2001 “The Victorians and the Ancient Greeks” Dr. Christopher Stray, University of Wales
Nov. 26, 2001 “Okhi Day: October 28, 1940 & the Italian Invasion of Greece” Prof. A. Gerolymatos, SFU
Jan. 28, 2002 “Images of Amazons” Gwyneth Lewis, President of Pharos, Lecturer at Langara College
Feb. 25, 2002 “Melancholy and the Ancient Greeks” Prof. Peter Toohey, University of Calgary
Apr. 29, 2002 “The Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponese - Mystra, Mani” Richard & Lynda Spratley
May 30, 2002 “Dangerous Voices - Mirologia: Women’s Death Laments” Gail Holst-Warhaft- Journalist
Oct. 30, 2002 “Food & Agriculture in Greek Sicily” Dr, Franco De Angelis, University of Calgary
Nov. 25, 2002 “Facing Philip? The Tombs at Vergina” Prof. Hector Williams, University of B.C
Feb. 7, 2003 “Architectural Agon: The Parthenon & Temple of Zeus” Prof. Jeffrey Hurwit, U. of Oregon
Feb. 24, 2003 “Conflict - Byzantium and Islam” Dr. Niali Christie, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Mar. 27, 2003 “Pontic Hellenism: Megalis Catastrophe (1908-1922)” Prof. H. Psomiadis, U. of New York
Mar. 31, 2003 “Greek Comic Theatrical Vases: A Potted History” Dr. C.W. (Toph) Marshal, UBC
Apr. 28, 2003 “Cretan Hospitality Food &Traditions” Angela Murrills, Theonymfi Prinianakis, Ric Spratley
Oct. 27, 2003 “Corinth in the Time of St. Paul” Prof. Paul Scotton, University of Washington
Nov. 28, 2003 “Nikos Kazantzakis’ Last Temptation” Dr. Kerstin Mancor, at SFU, Oxford University
Jan. 26, 2004 “Sacred Lands in Ancient Greece” Dr. Arden Williams, Classica Studies in Athens & UBC
Feb. 2, 2004 “Art and Architecture in the Age of Alexander” Dr. Caroline Williams, Archaeologist UBC
Feb. 24, 2004 “The Wild Flowers of Greece” David Trarrant, UBC Botanical Gardens
Mar. 23, 2004 “Euripides and Cinema” Aristdes Gazetas, MA. Dept. of Film and Theatre
Apr. 26, 2004 “Alexandria: A Hellenic Dream” Prof. Nicholas Margaritis, Western Washington State U.
Oct. 25, 2004 “Greek Influence on Roman Architecture” Prof. A. Hadrill, Director British School at Rome
Nov. 29, 2004 “In the Footsteps of Socrates” Prof. Hector Williams, University of B.C.
Jan. 31, 2005“Greek Teachers in the Latin West” Prof. Gerald Sandy, UBC
Feb. 28, 2005 “The Many Faces of Socrates” Prof. Robert Todd, Dept. of Classics UBC
Mar. 21, 2005 “Greek Civil War: The Truman Doctrine Revisited” Prof. John Iatrides, Connecticut State
Apr. 25, 2005 “Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea: Greek Divers in Antiquity” Erik Brujn, PhD Classics UBC
Oct. 24, 2005“Selling the Greek Way in Regency London” Prof. Rhodri Liscombe, Dept. Fine Arts UBC
Nov. 28, 2005 “History - Greeks of Asia Minor” by Dimitrios Kontogiannis - Singers, Musicans & Dancers
Jan. 17, 2006 ““Doing Business with the Barbarians” Dr. Gocha Tsetkhladze, University of Melbourne
Jan. 30, 2006 “Katharevousa & Demotiki: One Country Two Languages” Prof. Panayiotis Pappas, SFU
Feb. 19, 2006 “Pharos Musical Evening” by Yiorgos, Thomas & Yianni at Anatoli Souvlaki Restaurant
Feb. 27, 2006 “Excavations at Halieis (Modern Porto Haili)“ Dr. Thomas Boyd
Mar. 27, 2006 “Libraries in the Ancient World” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
May 01, 2006 “Only the Birds are Free” Dr. Anna Christakis Cronwell, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Oct. 30, 2006 “Ancient Greek Mechanics & Philosophers” Prof. Sylvia Berryman, Philosophy UBC
Nov. 27, 2006 “Euripides’ Hecuba” Blackbird Theatre, translation by Prof. George McWhirter UBC
Jan. 29, 2007 “Luminous Encounters on Island of Tinos” Prof. Ron Walkey, Architect, Prof. Emeritus UBC
Feb. 26, 2007 “Greece, Rome, Jerusalem, Creative Meanderings of Byzantine Culture” Prof. Krallis, SFU
Mar. 26, 2007 “Poet - Tony Harrison & Greek Drama” Hallie Rebecca Marshall, UBC Theatre Depart.
Apr. 30, 2007 “Pharos Musical Event” George Yioldassis with eight person band – “Selinounda”
Oct. 29, 2007 “Hecuba: One Woman’s Argument” Prof. George McWhirter, Dept. Creative Writing UBC
Nov. 26, 2007 “Socratic Religion” Prof. Mark McPherran, Dept. of Philosophy, SFU
Jan. 28, 2008 “Is Arcadia Burning? Myths and Realities” Prof. John Gaitanakis, Architecture, UBC
Feb. 25, 2008 “An Unknown Legacy of Synthesis: Greeks & Persians” Dr. Kaveh Farrokh Langara College
Mar. 31, 2008 “Not in Isolation: Medicine in Greek Culture” Shelley Reid, MA UBC Dept. of Classics
Apr. 28, 2008 “The Making of Raja Edepus in Bali” William Maranda, Vancouver Playwrite
Oct. 27, 2008 “Archaeological Survey of Ancient Sikyon” Prof. Mathew Maher, UBC Dept. of Classics
Nov. 24, 2008 “The Apogee of Byzantine Monumental Art” Prof. Maria Panayotidi, University of Athens
Jan. 26, 2009 “Excavating an Archaic necropolis in Kefalonia” Dr. Geoffrey Schmalz, History Dept. SFU
Feb. 23, 2009 “The Road Less Traveled – Undiscovered Modern Greece” Prof. Richard Spratley, UBC
Mar. 30, 2009 “The Roots & Foundation of 21st Century Scientific Thought” Chuck Sigmund, Langara
Apr. 27, 2009 “Giorgos Zambetas: Composer of Greek Laika” Presenation by George Yioldassis Musician
May 25, 2009 “The Two Byrons and Greece” Prof. John Xiros Cooper, UBC Department of English
Oct. 26, 2009 “After Alexander: Greeks in Central Asia” Prof. Megan Daniels, Dept. Philosophy, UBC
June 04, 2009 “Side Tracked by Mussolini-Greece’s Role WW2” Prof. A. Geolymatos, , Hellenic Studies
Nov. 30, 2009 “Ali Pasha: The Lion of Yiannina” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Jan. 31, 2010 “Nemea and the Macedonians” Prof. Steven G. Miller, University of California, Berkeley
Feb. 22, 2010 “The Realm of Kadmos: Eastern Boeotia” Prof. Brendan Burke, University of Victoria
Mar. 29, 2010 “Greek Colonies in Southern Italy & Sicily” Prof. Christie Lane, UBC
Apr. 26, 2010 “The Music of Manolis Xiotis” George Yioldassis, Canella Stefanis & John Mavrogeorge
Oct. 25, 2010 “Magic, Curses and Love in the Ancient Greek World” Prof. Siobbanan McElduff,
Nov. 29, 2010 “Greek Gods in My Life: 42 Years Working in Greek Sanctuaries” Prof. Hector Williams
Jan. 31, 2011 “The Grecian Cohen: Lenard Cohen and Hydra Island” Prof. Ira Nadel, English Dept. UBC
Feb. 28, 2011 “Unknown Greek City at Kastro Kalithea, Thessaly” Prof. Margiet Haagsma, U. of Alberta
Mar. 28, 2011 “Women Ventriloquizing Women, Extension of Classical Myth” Prof. Susanna Braund
Apr. 25, 2011 “Evening of Greek Music and Dance” Dimitrios Kontogiannis with Dancers & Musicians
Oct. 24, 2011 “Lemnos: the Story of a Greek Island” Prof. Hector Williams, Classics Dept. UBC
Nov. 28, 2011 “Amorgos” Gwyneth Lewis, Coordinator, Classical Studies, Langara College
Jan. 30, 2012 “Helen: from Homer to Hollywood” Florence Yoon, UBC Classical Studies
Feb. 27, 2012 “Life, the Universe & Everything According to Plato” Prof. Michael Griffin, UBC
Mar. 26, 2012 “Witches, Horses, & Diarrhea: Goddess Enodia in Thessaly” Prof. Gino Canalas, UBC
Apr. 30, 2012 “Maria Callas: Her Life, Lovers and Music” Sophia Antonakos, Soprano & Richard Spratley
Oct. 29, 2012 “Patmos: The Monastery of St. John & Book of Revelations” H. Williams & R. Colusland
Nov. 26, 2012 “Athenian Burial Vases” Prof. Chelsea Gardner, Classics Dept. UBC
Jan. 28, 2013 “Sacred Mysteries: Cult Centers in Roman Macedonia” Katherine Crawford, UBC
Feb. 25, 2013 “Archaeology of Houses & Households in Ancient Crete” Kevin Glowacki, Texas A&M
Mar. 25, 2013 “Origins of Sexes in Hesiod’s Poetry” Prof. Chris Morrissey, Trinity Western University
Apr. 29, 2013 “Influence of the Music of the Greeks of Asia Minor on Mainland Greece” Musiki Parea
Oct. 28, 2013 “Archaeology’s Dirty Little Secrets” Dr. Gwyneth Lewis, Langara College
Nov. 25, 2013 “Imagining Ancient Lives” Annabel Lyon, Author - Canadian Novelist
Jan. 26, 2014 “Children & Youth in the Spartan Mirage” Prof. Nigel Kennell, Classsical Studies UBC
Feb. 24, 2014 “Energy; Prime Mover in the Greek World” Prof. John Oleson, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria
Mar. 31, 2014 “Samothrace and the Winged Victory: The Vancouver Connection” Prof. Hector Williams, Classics Dept. UBC
Apr. 27, 2014 “Son of legendary Female Rembeticans” Evi Katevatis and Musicians
Oct. 27, 2014 “Settling the West: Comparing Ancient Greek & New World” Prof. Franco Di Angelis UBC
Nov. 24, 2014 “Maidens of the Erechtheion” Dr. Alexandra Lesk, Dept. of Classics - Archaeologist
Jan. 26, 2015 “Canadian Archaeology in Greece” Dr. David Rupp, Canadian Institute in Greece
Feb. 23, 2015 “Ancient Judaism and Hellenism” Dr. Gregg E. Gardner, UBC Diamond Chair in Jewish Law
Mar. 30, 2015 “The Greeks of Calabria & Lecture - Concert” Jennifer Knapp, Langara College
Apr. 27, 2015 “Strings of the Balkans: Lutes & Fiddles” Cathie Whitesides & Hank Bradley, Musician
Oct. 26, 2015 “Journey of Ancient Abdera” Assoc. Prof. Maria Papaioannou, U. of New Brunswick
Nov. 30, 2015 “A Globalized Greek World” Alexander McAuley, UBC
Jan. 25, 2015 “Journey to the End of the World: Mani in Antiquity” Chelsea Gardner, UBC
Feb. 29, 2016 “Cyprus That Was: John Lindros” Dr. Brigitta Lindros Wohl, California State Northridge
Mar. 28, 2016 “Eudaimonia: Greek Philosophy & Happiness” Prof. Michael Griffin, UBC
May 02, 2016 “Folklore of the Island of Chios” Sophia Milobar, Dimitrios Kontogiannis-Zefyros Dancers
Oct. 31, 2016 “Scythian Archers: Athens’ Technicolour Police” Graham Butler, UBC
Nov. 28, 2016 “Cleopatra: the Queen and Legend” Prof. Hector Williams, UBC
Jan. 30, 2017 “The Politics of Fatness in Archaic Greece” Prof. Emily Varto, Dalhousie University
Feb. 27, 2017 “The Grandeur of Cyrene a Greek City in Libya” Prof. Gerald Schaus, Wilfred Laurier U.
Mar. 27, 2017 “Early Greek Manuscripts of the Bible” Cillian O’H, University of Toronto
Apr. 24, 2017 “Eat Like the Ancient Greeks” Dr. Jennifer Knapp, SFU
May 30 2017 “Vancouver’s Yiorgos Darlaras Tribute Concert” by Yiannis Fyssas & Greek Musicians
Oct. 30, 2017 “The Great Mothers: Rhea & Cybele in Ancient Athens” Dr. Arden Williams, UBC
Nov. 27, 2017 “Constantine: Symbolism & Meaning in a Christian Emperor’s Capital”, Prof. Krallis
Jan. 29, 2018 “Should the British Return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece” Prof. Hector Williams, UBC, with members of the UBC Debate Society: Aaron John, Arth Gupta, Reid Marcus, and Archie Stapleton
Feb. 26, 2018 “Humour in the Golden Age of Athenian Comedy” Prof. Justin Dwyer” UBC
Mar. 26, 2018 “Female Justice: Revenge on Terrible Men in Ancient Greece” Prof. Siobhan McElduff, UBC
Apr. 30, 2018 “Poems about Greece ~ Music from Greece” Phillip Resnick, Poet with musicians Kate Gerson, Erika Gerson & Laura Blumenthal
Oct. 29, 2018 “Exploring Socrates and the Buddha” Prof. Michael Griffin, Classical Studies, UBC
Nov. 26, 2018 “Aristotle, Democracy & Practical Wisdom (Phronesis)” Prof. Max Cameron, UBC
Jan. 28, 2019 “Greek City of Morgantina Sicily” Asst. Prof. Katherine & Adjunct Prof. James Huemoller
Feb. 25, 2019 “The Olympic Games: Past and Present” Jonathan Vickers, UBC
Mar. 25, 2019 “Attika: Land of the Athenians” Prof. Hector Williams, Dept. of Classics, UBC
Apr. 29, 2019 “Musical Evening by Zougla Musical Band” Yiannis fyssas, George Yioldasis, Evi Catevatis
Oct. 28, 2019 “The Greek Gods in the 21st Century” Prof. Michael Griffin, Dept. of Philosophy, UBC
Nov. 25, 2019 “Edward Lear’s Greece” Dr. Richard Spratley, Pharos President, UBC
Jan. 27, 2020 “Charms without Arms: The Story of Venus de Milo” Prof. Hector Williams, UBC
Feb. 24, 2020 “Greeks in Vancouver: Stories and Photos” Sophia Karasouli – Milobar, Van. Public Library
Mar. 30, 2020 Lecture cancelled due to Covid
Apr. 29, 2020 Lecture cancelled due to Covid
Oct. 26, 2020 “Streamed Presentation: Hagia Sophia in Istanbul: Past, Present and Future” Prof. Williams,
Nov. 30, 2020 “Awakening of Ancient Greek Music” Dr. Michael Griffin with Theodore Koumartzis
Jan. 25, 2021 “Mothers, Prostitutes and Sex Goddesses” Dr. Megan Daniels, University of UBC
Feb. 17, 2021 “Ancient Chorus, Modern Voices: Antigone and Phaethon on Film,” Dr. Hallie Marshall, Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies, UBC Department of Theatre and Film with Dr. C.W. Marshall, Professor of Greek, UBC Department of Classics, Near Eastern and Religious Studies.
Mar. 29, 2021 “Romioi one day, Greek the next: 1821 Through a Byzantine Prism” Dr. Dimitri Krallis, SFU
Apr. 26, 2021 “Musical Tradition of Crete” Mark Hamilton, Journalist & Musician
Oct. 25, 2021 “The Orpheus Legend in Art & Music” Prof. Hector Williams & Dr. Richard Spratley, UB
Nov. 29, 2021 “Behind the Myth: Power of Greek Tragedy in Communist Rule in Serbia” J. Todorovic, UBC
Jan. 31, 2022 “Mistress of Ships: the Harbour City of Naukratis in the Nile Delta” Dr. Megan Daniels, UBC
Feb. 28, 2022 “Byzantine Icons After Byzantium” Dr. Danai Thomaidis, SFU
Mar. 28, 2022 “Coins and the Archaeologist” Dr. Robert Weir, Windsor
Apr. 25, 2022 “Musical Evening by Drómeno”
Nov. 7, 2022 “A Tree’s Tears: The Story of Chios Mastic,” with Sophia Karasouli-Milobar
Dec. 5, 2022 “Athens and its Environs, 1987-2000,” photographic exhibition and talk with Christos Dikeakos
Jan. 30, 2023 “A conversation in film with Harry Killas”
Feb. 27, 2023 “The Storied Walls of Ancient Greece,” with Caroline Barnes
March 27, 2023 “The Ancient Greek Lyre,” with Luthieros
April 3, 2023 “Memory, Conflict and Democratization in Post-Junta Greece,” A special online lecture with Kostis Kornetis
October 30, 2023 “Greek Wine from Antiquity to Today”, with Hector Williams
November 27, 2023 “Byzantine Jewelry in Life and Death”, with Georgios Makris
January 29, 2024 “The Oracle at Delphi”, with Michael Griffin
February 26, 2024 “Shakespeare and the Greeks,” with Hallie Marshall
March 11, 2024 “Truth and Lies in Herodotus,” with Brian Lavelle
April 22, 2024 “Markos Vamvakaris: An Evening of Rebetiko with the Zefyros Dance Group & Local Musicians”