Nov 7: A Tree’s Tears: The Story of Chios Mastic, with Sophia Karasouli-Milobar

Please join us for a free illustrated lecture on Monday, November 7th at 19:30 Pacific Time, in-person at the Hellenic Community Centre in the Upper Hall at 4500 Arbutus Street.

Mastic, a resin produced by trees that grow only on the Greek island of Chios, shaped the history of Chios from ancient times through the Middle Ages and Ottoman rule to the present day. This talk will cover the rich history of Chios mastic as well as some interesting legends about the tears of the mastic tree.

In addition, mastiha-flavoured treats will be available at the event!

For those unable to attend in person, you also have the option to join by Zoom, here:

Pharos Meeting Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 639 0599 8130

Passcode: 640528

This 43rd Season of Pharos is generously sponsored by Vicki Costas in honour of her late husband, 
and good friend of Pharos, Patrick Spittel.



Dec 5: Athens and its Environs, 1987-2000, with Christos Dikeakos


Pharos’ Spring Music, April 25: Drómeno plays Ipirotika! 🎶